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        Q    1965 Steering Column by             in ’67 were Kelsey-Hayes, while the   A: By “70rivme,” Brad Harris #14335
            “Psycostang,” Andrew Desalvatore     website notes Bendix for 1967.       I believe a Delphi FE0065 is the
            #15793 (ROA link, AACA Forum)        A: By Darwin Falk #2077,             pump that works. I’m working off
            I removed the steering box to clean   1966-70 Technical Advisor           memory on this. Delco EP-297 was
            the frame and I see my steering      Yes. All 1967 to ‘69 installs were   another recommended one.
            shaft hanging down inside the tube   Bendix built... they also required a   Follow-up: By “Rivgs,”
            at the lower end. Is it supposed to   Bendix master cylinder and Bendix   Kevin Kinney #996
            do this, or am I missing something?  power brake booster. Delco Mo-       I ordered a Delco EP297 off eBay

            A: By “1965rivgs,”  Tom Mooney #56   raine was installed in 1970.         and installed it. The car started right
            1963-65 Tech Advisor                  1963 Parking Light Paint by “Kdml,”    up and ran great.
            The tilt columns do not have a bear-    Q  Doug Thompson #12554            1968 Code Plate by “Valtalma”
            ing in the lower tube, whereas the      (ROA link, AACA Forum)         Q
            standard columns do.                 What parts of the ’63 parking light   (ROA link, AACA Forum)
                                                                                      I am in the process of buying a ’68
        Q    First Generation Bumper Exchange    grills get painted? I can see that the   GS. I have been able to identify that
            by Don McClair #9687                 sections between the top two bars    the VIN plate matches exactly the
            (ROA link, AACA Forum)               gets painted.                        car’s year, model, color and interior.
            I am trying to remember if all of the   A: By “1965rivgs,” Tom Mooney #56   Is there a way to verify that the en-
            first gen Rivs have the same front   1963-65 Tech advisor                 gine is the original one and has not
            bumper? I think the ’65 might have   The pictures are of a NOS parking    been swapped?
            a little more cut out in front of the   grill.                            A: By “NC68Riviera,” Mike Sumrell
            headlights for the clamshells to                                          #15405
            work. A good friend is thinking of                                        The last 8 characters of the VIN is
            having the front and rear bumpers                                         stamped on the engine block on the
            from a ’65 chromed to use on a ‘63.
                                                                                      left (driver) side between the front
            A: By “Telriv” Tom Telesco                                                and second exhaust manifold ports.
            1963-64 bumpers are interchange-                                          Next to the dip stick will be the
            able, whereas 1965 is one year only.                                      code stamp for the specific engine.
                                                                                      PD = 1968 Buick 430.
        TECH TIP    Kill Switch by Steve Playter                                      A: By “1965rivgs,” Tom Mooney #56,
                  #4955                                                               1963-65 Tech Advisor
            Regarding a kill switch, as men-                                          This was a dealer-installed rear air
            tioned on page 7 of the March/                                            shock kit. I have seen enough of
            April issue: In the past, I’ve wired in                                   these installations to say the original
            a switch in the start circuit (purple                                     kit instructions have been followed
            wire). It acts like a second neutral                                      by whoever installed your kit.
            safety switch. If some “ner’do’well”
            decides to hotwire my car, it will not                                Q    Removing Wood Veneer by
            turn over and it will act like you are                                    “Frenchy51”  (ROA link, AACA Forum)
            trying to start the car in gear. The                                      I’m removing the old cracked wood
            reason I wire it like that is because   Q    1970 Fuel Pump by “Rivgs,”    veneer on my ’64 dash and console.
            switching off the negative side of      Kevin Kinney #996 (ROA link, AACA Forum)   I can get the wood off fine, but there
            the coil is that you can still turn the   The fuel pump quit working on my   is what appears to be a thin sheet
            car over. The perp can run down      ’70. After searching for six months,   metal plate sandwiched between
            the battery and/or flood the engine   I am considering going to a manual   the wood and the chrome panels.
            trying to start it.                  fuel pump instead. Does anyone       Should this sheet metal come off
                                                 know if Buick used a special cam in   also before adding my wood kit? It
        Q    1967 Disc Brakes by Norm Mort       the ’69-70 Rivieras without the lobe   is on tight on every panel except for
            (Sent to ROA Director)               that would run the mechanical fuel   around the radio where it is separat-
            Regarding disc brakes offered in     pump? Or has anyone found electric   ing there. Should I peel it off or glue
            1967: I read in the Norbye/Dunne     in tank pump that isn’t rated for fuel   it back down before adding the new
            Buick book the disc brakes offered   injection?                           wood veneer?

            The Riview       July/August 2019                                                                       7
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