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Director's Message

Calling on Original Owners
by Chip Aeppli #5913, President of Board of Trustees

Bob Wannall

I would like to suggest that in future issues of the Riview we shine a spotlight on those of you who are original owners of your Riviera.

Even the last models built are now 25 years old, so even that is a long time to own a car, compared to what most people do. But I know we have some members that have over 40, even 50 years or longer of continued ownership. Where better to feature these cars but with the Association for Riviera Owners? I’m sure the details that go with many years of ownership will make the most interesting reading.

Details such as the date and place of the purchase. The name of the dealership and if they are still in business? What influenced you to purchase a Riviera over the other Buick models on display? Has it been a daily driver? Is it still original or has it been restored? Share your favorite memories.

Send us a photo with a summary or better yet prepare a full-length Showcase feature. For guidance on how to prepare a Showcase, contact our Editor Ray Knott and he will send the instructions. I am sure that other members would enjoy hearing your stories of rare one-owner cars.

In other news, during the Board of Trustee meeting in June we welcomed Leslie Fry as our newest member. Leslie a retired accountant and will serve as our Treasurer, a position for which he is very well qualified.

Sharing Responsibility
By Ray Knott #1, Director/Editor

Ray Knott

Those of you who attended the ROA meet in Lexington realized that I was not there. I had turned on-site leadership over to Chip Aeppli, our current Board President and other members of the Board of Trustees. It was not due to my health, but for the health of the ROA. It was to give others the opportunity to take on the duties without Ray Knott looking over their shoulders and picking up the slack. For years, I have tried to pass on the reins of planning and supervising a meet. On several occasions, I trained those who expressed an interest in being a meet planner, but who later backed out. Maybe it was due to the time and preparation required, or they just lost interest.

As in the past, I handled all the advance preparation again and this year kept Chip informed. It is my hope that this experience will provide the confidence, knowledge and encouragement for Chip and others to take on more responsibility in the future.

This not only applies to our annual meet but to every aspect of running the ROA, including preparation of the Riview. As the years pass, the ROA has lost many loyal members due to age and health. Fortunately, our numbers continue with new members and some have become involved. But we need more. Are you willing to learn how you can keep the ROA growing? If so, contact me at 303-952-0239 or at

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