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Riviera Owners Association, P.O. Box 261218, Denver, CO 80226-9218
(303) 233-2987 email:
A Non-Profit membership corporation dedicated to the 1963-1999 Riviera by Buick

Annual Dues

$35 in the U.S., $45 Foreign (use bank draft or money order drawn on a U.S. bank, payable in U.S. currency) Payable to Riviera Owners Association (ROA). We also accept Paypal and credit cards.

Benefits of Membership
 • Membership card, decal and club cards
 • Six bimonthly issues of the Riview, our 36-page color magazine
   with Technical Tips, Members Showcases Classifieds and more.
 • Free 45-word advertisement per member, per issue.
 • Access to the “Members Only” section of our website.
 • Access to past issues of the Riview, posted on our website.
 • Access to technical advice, and our extensive library.
 • Participation in international and local events.
 • International Air Mail included.

Multi-year Renewals

U.S. 1 Year:   $35.00
2 Years: $65.00
3 Years: $95.00
Foreign 1 Year:   $45.00
2 Years: $80.00
3 Years: $120.00
Please use the following buttons to access the secure application for the payment method you prefer:

All forms are protected using SSL technology. This ensures that your personal data is encrypted and cannot be read if intercepted.

Please note: These forms are for new subscriptions and membership renewals.
If you are moving and wish to update your membership Information,
email us at: .

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Notice: BUICK and RIVIERA are trademarks of GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION used with permission. The Riviera Owners Association is independent and not affiliated with GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION or its BUICK MOTORS DIVISION    —Copyright 2007 Riviera Owners Association—


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