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Membership FAQ's

  1. Who do I contact at ROA?
    For issues dealing with membership and merchandise contact Kim Orcutt at the ROA office, or 303-233-2987.  To submit articles or classifieds for the Riview, questions regarding the web site, general questions or complaints contact Director/Editor Ray Knott at or 303-233-2987. You can also contact members on the Board of Trustees who are listed on the web site under the “All About the ROA.”

    For local events our Regional Coordinators are listed in the Riview and on this site under the “Regional News”  link. Our Technical Advisors are also listed in the Riview and on “Member’s Only” section of this web site.

  2. How can I access the “Member’s Only” section?
    A username and Password is required. The Username and Password codes change every two months and are listed in each issue of the Riview on the lower left corner of page 3 and on the Technical Sources page. They do expire, but there is an overlap to allow for mail delivery times.  They are case sensitive and must be entered exactly as they appear in the Riview.

  3. How & Where do I send my New Membership / Renewal dues?
    A –
    Checks drawn on a US bank or money orders in US dollars made out to ROA can be sent directly to ROA, PO Box 261218, Denver, CO 80226-92182. Membership/ Renewal applications are on this web site and in the Riview.

    – On-line payments are accepted by credit card or PayPal on this web site.

    C – Complete our Membership/ Renewal application with your Visa or Master Card information and mail to ROA, PO Box 261218, Denver, CO 80226-9218.

    We do not advise attaching credit card information in an email. If it is a renewal, be sure to include your original ROA membership number.

  4. Where does my membership number appear?
    Your membership number appears on your membership card, above your address on the Riview label, and in the on-line Roster in the Members Only section of our web site.

  5. What are the Dues?
    Membership dues for one year is $35 USA and $45 International. Multiple rates are available and listed on the applications. New members receive the current issue of the Riview immediately along with a window decal, membership card, club cards and a welcome letter.

  6. When is my renewal date?
    The ROA has six renewal periods per year – your renewal date is based on the issue of the Riview you received when you joined. Your renewal date is printed on your membership card, above your address on the magazine’s mailing label and on the on-line roster. Example: 04/10 means your membership expires with the April, 2010 mailing. Therefore you need to renew by the 15th of the month before to be included in the mailing.  You will also receive a reminder by mail at least 30 days before your due date. Late renewals will miss the current Riview and their new year will begin with the following issue. A replacement issue is available for an additional $4.

  7. How do I place a classified ad?
    Each member in good standing in entitled to free classified ads, with a limit of 40 words per issue. Each additional word is 10¢. Each ad must contain the member’s full name and ROA #.  Cars for Sale must include a price and city/state where the car is located. Non member’s cars will be listed one time at no cost. Cars will not be repeated unless requested by a member. We will imclude one digital photo of your car, at no cost. Use of the photo will be based on clarity and available space. Priority will be given to first time listings.

    Ads for parts and literature, listing specific items, will not be repeated unless requested. Ads with unlimited quantities will be repeated until we are notified to remove the ad. Classified ads and photos can be sent to Editor Ray Knott at . If you do not use a computer, ads can be mailed to ROA, P.O. Box 261218, Denver, CO 80226-9218. Deadlines are posted in the classifieds section, as are Commercial rates.

  8. Can I get back issues of the Riview Magazine?
    We have a limited supply of back issues, which can be purchased for $4 each, mailing included. Since quantities are limited contact Kim Orcutt at the office before ordering.
How can I get my Riviera featured in the Riview?
In each issue we try to feature a variety of years / styles of the Riviera over its 35 years of production. Showcases should include a story and photos that tell us about your car and the experience of ownership. We prefer that the story be prepared in MS Word, not to exceed 750 words. The photos should be imaginative, taken at different angles with some close-ups of   unusual features, such as interior, engine, wheels, emblems, etc. Always be aware of the background and lightning. The photos should be digital, approximately 500 KB – 1 MB in size. The story and photos should be e-mailed to the Editor at
Notice: BUICK and RIVIERA are trademarks of GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION used with permission. The Riviera Owners Association is independent and not affiliated with GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION or its BUICK MOTORS DIVISION    —Copyright 2007 Riviera Owners Association—


Plinko Frumzi