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The Regional Coordinators Program

The Riviera Owners Association (ROA) was founded in 1984 and from its inception formed a Regional Coordinators program in lieu of chapters. The purpose was to encourage fellowship and provide social and educational events on a local basis. Members in the more populated areas of the country stepped forward to host local activities as Regional Coordinators (RCs). As our active membership grew to over 3,200 worldwide the program spread to more states, Canada and Australia. To insure uniformity within the program guidelines were established and later amended to include the widespread use of the computer and email.  

Guidelines and Policy

1.  Qualifications
The RC must be a current member in good standing who expresses an interest and enthusiasm to represent ROA on a local level. The RC would be agreeable to have his name, address, telephone number and email listed in the Riview and on the ROA website. The member need not be a mechanic, but he should be familiar with the Technical Advisors’ names and areas of expertise as well as the sources for parts and services listed in the classified ads. In doing so, they will be better able to direct members to those who can be of assistance.

2.  Appointment
The position of the RC is made by the Director or his appointee and serves at the pleasure of the Director or his appointee.

3.  Authority
The RC, as with any member, is not authorized to act as an agent of the ROA or to enter into any contract or agreement binding on ROA. The RC shall not use their position as a representative of ROA for personal gain or to promote commercial ventures.  Nor are they authorized to represent themselves to be the head of a sanctioned chapter of ROA. The RC should be clearly identified as “Regional Coordinator” on every business card or publication so as not to be confused with the Director. Each document shall also include the telephone number, email and web site of the ROA office.

Any use of the official ROA logo shall be only with the approval of the Director or his appointee. There are to be no deviations of the official logo as it is copyrighted and has received approval from Buick Motor Division of General Motors for the use of the word “Riviera”.

4.  Membership Lists and Mailing Labels
A membership roster is posted on the ROA website and is accessible by use of a login and password, which appears in each issue of the Riview. A new and different login and password will appear in each issue. The on-line roster is updated every month on or about the 15th.

If you are unable to separate local members from the roster a list will be provided by the office upon request. These lists would include mailing address, telephone numbers, emails and a list of vehicles owned. This information is confidential for members’ eyes only. These lists are not to be used for commercial purposes.

Although most announcements are now sent by email, self-adhesive mailing labels are available upon request from the ROA office. To ensure that the information is current the labels should be
requested just before the date of the mailing. Mailings should only be to those within the region and to RCs in adjoining regions. It is important that whenever a change of email address is received that it be sent to the office to update the roster.

5.  Establishing a Region
A region is an area in which members will reasonably travel to attend a local meet. This will vary depending on the locality, considering the traffic congestion and traveling habits of local members.  As a rule, 50-75 miles would be as far as members could be expected to travel for local events. The method of extracting this information from the computer’s MS Access database is using zip codes. The computer’s program requires the first three digits of the zip codes within that radius. Since zip codes are used it doesn’t matter if the region includes several bordering states. The zip codes can be established by identifying the cities within the radius and then listing the zips codes found on the web site roster, on the Internet or contacting your local post office. If assistance is needed, contact our office.

6.  Local Activities
The RCs are expected to host a minimum of one but encouraged to host two or more local events a year exclusively for ROA members. This could be a picnic in a local park or at a member’s home, a road tour followed by a lunch or a visit to a local museum, body shop, transmission shop, etc. The RC is also encouraged to suggest convoys to the ROA International meets. Two-day regional meets are also encouraged and can be hosted by two or more coordinators. It is requested that no local or Regional meet be held the weekend before or after the ROA International Meet.  All regional events must be financially self-sufficient. Participants should share in the costs through donations or entry fees. No local dues are to be collected or required for participation in regional events. The ROA will assist with some expenses; see “Financial Assistance” for details.

The RCs are also expected to keep track of other local events, which would be of interest to the members, this could include swap meets, car shows, and tours. The RC should share this information with members by email, forward them to the Director or his appointee to be published in the Riview and posted on the ROA web site.  The announcement may be edited for the Riview due to limited space but will appear in full on the website. Based on the anticipated release date of the next Riview the event may or may not appear in that issue. ROA also encourages the RC to send in an article and photos after their events.  This article and photos will also be published in the Riview and put on the website to inform others that the region is active and to encourage participation in the future.

7.  Financial Assistance                      
If reimbursement for expenses is to be requested, the Coordinator must submit a written estimate of expenses to the Director or his appointee. Those expenses can include costs for mailings, promotions, supplies, refreshments and incidentals to host an event. Include copies of all announcements sent, along with the number of members contacted. The final request for reimbursement must be submitted within 60 days of the event, include receipts and a summary of the event with the number of members & guests attending. Upon approval, the ROA will reimburse up to $50 a year.

8.  Promotional Materials
Invitational tri-folds and club cards will be provided free, upon request.  The invitation brochure is also available on the website under “All About The ROA” if you want to print your own.

Notice: BUICK and RIVIERA are trademarks of GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION used with permission. The Riviera Owners Association is independent and not affiliated with GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION or its BUICK MOTORS DIVISION    —Copyright 2007 Riviera Owners Association—


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